Lighting Ice Cube


Blender 2.93

Adobe Photoshop 2021

HandBrake 1.3.3

1.1 Concept

With this animation I intended to recreate a simple lighting ice cube animation I found online by Ducky 3D.

1.2 Techniques

First I created by pressing Shift+A then selecting mesh then a cube. I increased the Transmission up to 1 and decreased the Roughness to 1.5 in the Principle BSDF. Made a second smaller cube and placed in the middle of the larger one and set it's metallic property to the maximum. Added a camera and a bezier curve to the scene. Within the camera constrains I set the camera to follow the curve and constantly face the centre therefore producing a revolving animation. Added a plane and I set it's particle system to hair. Also made a eco-sphere and increased it's emission settings within it's BSDF node. This sphere become the base of the particle system. By changing the emission settings resulted in the numerous glowing particles. Another plane as a light source was added for the final result. Once the animation has been rendered I used the video editing software HandBarake to optimise the quality and file size to web use and adjust the resolution.(1.2.1)
